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The EndoPoint locator file makes the Endodontic apex location process much simpler. EndoPoint is also equipped with an electrical insulator down the shaft of the file, which prevents “shorting out” while accessing through a metal restoration. Available in 20 mm and 26.5 mm lengths. The maximum measurement is up to a 25 mm canal.

  • Effortless Apex Location
  • Design Does Not Impede Vision and Placement
  • Electric Insulator Prevents “Shorting Out”

How to Use

EndoPoint Diagram

When working with an apex locator, EndoPoint’s new design is 26.5 mm in length so a 25 mm canal can be measured. The attachment clip is located above the filehandle allowing for ease of attachment. The clip area on other files takes up 1.5 mm of space and, with the presence of the stop and the clip, impedes vision and placement. EndoPoint is also equipped with an electrical insulator down the shaft of the file, which prevents “shorting out” during a metallic crown restoration.